Treatment Programs
Treat all skin problems with laser programs and treatments by specialized dermatologists.
Confident and safe with modern technology and standards.
Acne & Acne Scar
Treat various types of acne, including red and dark acne scars, acne wounds, and acne pitting scars.

Acne & Acne Scar
Brightening & Whitening
Treat melasma, freckles, and dark spots, helping to rejuvenate the skin for a clearer complexion with laser and treatment.

Brightening & Whitening
Lifting & Tightening
It helps tighten sagging skin, replenishing it for a youthful appearance, while also addressing wrinkles and reshaping the face without surgery.

Lifting & Tightening
Provides care and treatment for general skin issues such as mild inflammation, hair thinning, hair loss, brittle nails, hair removal, weight reduction, and body contouring.

Recommend Treatment
Treat all skin problems with laser programs and treatments by specialized dermatologists.
Confident and safe with modern technology and standards.
Acne & Acne Scar
CO2 Laser Program
Laser treatment for unclogging and opening blocked pores with carbon dioxide laser.
BookingAcne & Acne Scar
E-two Program
Acne pitted up with high frequency (Radio-Frequency: RF) energy.
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Gentle Clear Program
Stimulate collagen and elastin production, helping to make the skin smoother and tighten pores.
BookingBrightening & Whitening
Picosecond Laser Program
Benign Pigment removal, Tattoo removal, Skin rejuvenation, and Acne scar treatment
BookingLifting & Tightening
Thermatight FLX Program
Non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) therapy for the treatment of wrinkles and rhytids.